Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Renewal and Strengthening

Hiking at Garden of the Gods

     A lot has happened since I last wrote.  After Escalante, I backtracked down to Flagstaff, then headed to Albuquerque for a short visit with my friend, Jude, and to drop my camper off for some repairs at a local RV shop. I was a bit rough on it in Utah!  On my way to Colorado, I dropped Teddy off with my friend, Lauryn, and then headed straight to Colorado Springs, despite threatening clouds and snow storms last Thursday. 
      I have been visiting with a new friend, Dale, and her family in Colorado Springs for about four days.  I was treated like a queen with a wonderfully comfortable bed and master bathroom (a luxury after 6 weeks of camping), great food, and exceptional conversation.  This conversation is what brought us together because when we are together, it is impossible to have any small talk. We talked for hours every single day, up until minutes before I left, about life, life histories, viewpoints about almost everything, art, spirituality, music...you name it, we talked about it.  It was a true honor to be a part of this family for a few days.  Dale and I even managed to get a couple of great hikes in around the Garden of the Gods trail system.  If you haven't been, check it out next time you are in the area.  It is a gem.  Nothing like I have ever seen before in the middle of a city!

      After a delightful visit and introduction to Colorado Springs,
I drove up to Mueller State Park.  Now, this isn't a long drive at all,
but the elevation increases exponentially.  I headed up toward Pikes Peak and through the surrounding mountains.  Gorgeous climb.  I am now at about 9300-9500 foot elevation.  I feel it too.  Breathing is a challenge!
     I took a short two mile hike last night and was faced with Colorado beauty and wildlife in a big way right from the start.  I saw animal tracks everywhere and of all kinds.  I saw bear and deer scat, and as I was hiking, a snow storm came barreling through.  As I was preparing camp, about 8-10 deer grazed around my campground.  It started to snow, lightly at first, and then it just kept coming until about 3 in the morning.  I had just bought a lightweight backpacking tent, so winter camping was not in the cards.  I decided to go for it, though, and test myself.  I am not sure why, but I have had this feeling in the last few weeks that I need to get stronger and deal with what comes.  Well, it came.  I did not sleep but about 2 hours at the most, but I stayed pretty warm by layering, and layering, and layering.  A nearby camper had given me some toe and hand warmers for which I am so thankful. I was only frightened a very little bit when I heard a big thud at about 1 in the morning.  Bears are coming out of hibernation, so who knows.  I did buy bear spray and had read through the directions before I got settled in. The temperature got down to 25 degrees F. and with the precipitation, it was more like 16 degrees according to the weather app.
At around 4 AM, I was wondering why an almost 55 year old woman was lying on a hard ground trying to keep warm and sane in this little summery tent in 25 degree weather at 9500 feet elevation with wild animals around.  Most sane people my age would have opted for a comfortable hotel room. right?
     When I finally sat up to decide to get up and moving, I read from my morning reading.  Basically, it said that if we allow time to run it's course, difficult issues will eventually subside as long as we have our hearts and minds in the right place, spiritually.  What a gift that was after a long night.  As soon as I finished reading this, I opened my tent flap to a most glorious sunrise through the snow covered trees.  Another gift to be sure.  I think I will take a nap now and then go for a long wonderful hike afterward.  Here's to a new day!  Namaste...


  1. Godspeed as you continue your journey, Toni.
    Graced my week to receive a hug from your Dad Sunday at church. Janice

  2. Phenomenal photos of a snow-covered wonderland!
    And your blog says it well: keep at it till it gets better. Strength through "hanging in." Happy trails, Toni.


  3. Thank you Janice.
    Much love to your family

  4. Your photography throughout your journey has just been stellar - and combined with your writing you've created a wonderful blog. The insights you've had and your willingness to share them is a gift to your readers! I hope it continues in some form for a long time!
