Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Final Piano Recital 2017

     My final piano recital was March 25th, 2017 (also my daughter's 26th birthday) I have been a piano teacher for almost 35 years.  Last fall, I realized I had to quit teaching on the same evening that I realized I had to sell my home.  Quitting piano teaching was not simply quitting a job; It has been one of the most difficult decisions I have had to make, along with getting a divorce and selling my home. 
     Leaving my career has meant leaving long relationships, leaving something I have worked for all of my life, starting completely over and having no idea what I can or will do.  It was truly terrifying because this is something I do very well, so I know that something greater than me is at play.
     All of my students played with heart and soul during this recital.  They played with maturity and a sense of ownership I have never seen in my recitals before.  I was truly moved.  How could I leave students who performed the way they felt, who cried tears when we had to say goodbye, and who wrote such beautiful words of thanks in their cards and letters?  All I could tell them was that this moment has prepared me for what is to come.  I finally learned that to teach well and from the heart, one has to love, inspire, and accept.

     Now it is time for me to explore, listen, and create, but most of all, learn to feel from a deeply spiritual place and love myself.  I want to thank my Mother (who died 3 years ago on January 9th) for her guidance and constant companionship as a teacher, my Dad, who supported me no matter what,  for Eugenia O'Reilly, my pre-college teacher who taught me to look beyond the studio for inspiration, and my students of the last 35 years who have taught me so many things about myself (not always positive I might add) and who loved me when I was at my best and continued to love me at my worst.  I hope I did the same for most of them. I know I made mistakes along the way, but I am human and this is a wonderful journey of hills and valleys.  May there be many paths to come and may I embrace the ups and downs as I learn a new way of living.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your blog is really beautiful, Toni, and your writing is rich and personal. Best of everything to you in your travels! (I removed my previous comment due to misspelled words...)

    1. Thank you, Jude. By the way...misspelled words are just fine!

  3. I am so lucky to count myself one of your students! I hope the next chapter is wonderful for you, and I cannot wait to follow along and see what life brings you.

    1. Rebecca, I am honored. You are such a gift to my life.

  4. Tears of love
    Tears of kinship
    From that which sees through
    Our bodies
    One with those who are still here
    And One with those who are
    Free from form

  5. That is incredibly beautiful, Ari. Thank you.
